Monday, June 19, 2006
[WC 06'] Croatia vs. Japan
速度(包括我一直覺得很爛的 Babic)突破日本中後場的防守,但
在 Srna 今天在右路表現還是時好時壞的情況下,又只剩下 Prso
Kranjcar 今天除了一個遠射中橫樑跟下半場一個剷射外,其他時間
令人失望。Srna 的點球其實踢的沒那麼差,更多的是守門員猜的好。
Olic 上來有一腳有威脅的攻門,還不錯。至於 Babic,只能說不予置評。
替代 Tudor ,結果最後不但沒辦法進球,連有威脅到球門的次數都沒
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Thursday, June 15, 2006
[Barca] 全能和速度
身為巴薩復興的核心人物,Puyol 的技術特質,也體現了球隊一貫
的戰術思惟。「全能」和 「速度」,是目前巴薩的特質,也是他們
巴薩復興最重要的兩名攻守核心球員 Puyol 和 Ronaldinho,正是
目前世界上最出色的全能球員其中之二。Puyol 的奔跑插上助攻能力
就不用說了,而 Ronaldinho 不但是世界上最出色的十號,作為
說頭球可能是小羅弱項的仁兄,有沒有看到兩天前他對 Croatia 的
防守的機會時(多半是在 03-04 球季),他的判斷和抄截能力也是
全能足球(Total Football)。之前板上有一篇文章提到 Rosell
和 Txiki 的識人眼光和轉會操作手腕的差異,我想與其比較 Rosell
和 Txiki,或許更應該考慮的是,他們(包括 Rijkaard)事實上
都需要配合和完成教父 Johan Cruyff 的戰略思惟指導,而 Rosell
(包括 Marquez, Deco, Eto'o 等)。而有趣的是,球隊比較不成功
的簽約,也多半都是在場上比較單功能的球員(包括 Maxi, Saviola,
Riquelme 等)。在球員的基本球技普遍優於對手的情況下,控制
擁有全能的球員聚合,讓 Rijkaard 對於球員的指導,更偏重在大方向
的環境下,引進 Gudjohnsen 應該是一筆穩當的簽約,他長於作球
動作頻率的變化,而球隊的兩位核心-Puyol 和 Ronaldinho-正可能
Puyol 能夠成為世界上最棒的盯防後衛之一,不只在於他的熱血奮戰
對方的進攻球員可能第一個假動作讓 Puyol 有所反應,但他往往就能
不過來。如此的專注力和運動能力的結合,讓 Puyol 成為巴薩的瑰寶。
Ronaldinho 也是。他不僅擁有千變萬化的進攻假動作,更重要的是他能
這也是他和 Denilson 等踩單車眩技球員最大的差異。只有完全熟練
Ronaldinho 的神技,加上 Eto'o, Messi 和 Giuly 的高速狂奔,
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Wednesday, June 14, 2006
[WC06'] Croatia

基本上,一樣是賽車旗球衣,一樣是打 352 或 532,不過
指揮官(像是之前的 Boban),沒有了能在前線突襲對方
後衛身後空檔的殺手級前鋒(像是之前的 Suker),也沒有
比賽局面的邊鋒或邊後衛(像是之前的 Jarni)。
或三人 give-&-go 小組配合,再硬用速度或身體強度企圖撞開對
好的情況下,害怕會被巴西前場 n 重奏的就地反擊殺得七零八落,
個別球員方面,Niko Kovac 的下場對球隊當然有一定的影響,
選擇也沒有太高明,而 Kaka' 的進球,我個人覺得更多是
Tudor 除了幾次到對方禁區爭頂之外沒有太多的表現。一樣是
我也覺得 Prso 已經很努力在左邊扯開對方的防守陣式了,
Srna 開自由球和傳球的水準好壞相差太大了,一兩個好球很漂亮,
又只會內切的 Babic 就不說了。
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Monday, June 12, 2006
[Kings] Musselman's Assistants
New Sacramento coach Eric Musselman, who was rumored to be a candidate for the Bucks head coaching job last summer, hasn’t wasted time putting together a staff. Scott Brooks, who coached in Denver, along with Jason Hamm, who was a video coordinator for the Memphis Grizzlies, are expected to join Musselman’s staff. T.R. Dunn is also likely to be retained, leaving Musselman with one more coach to hire.
From Sacbee :
Musselman said he had "10 to 15 serious conversations" with coaching candidates.
"There's so many quality people out there," Musselman said. "You just have to decipher which ones are best, not only for me, but maybe more importantly which guys will fit best with our guys."
Elston Turner had the first interview, coming in the informal setting of an outbound commercial plane from Sacramento. Turner, the lead assistant under Rick Adelman who was dismissed with the rest of the coaching staff, was one of three former Kings assistants whose trip to Orlando to find work was paid for by their former employer. The others were Dunn and Bubba Burrage. Turner said he hopes his history with Musselman and proven effectiveness with the current Kings' roster pays off.
When Turner was hired as a Portland assistant in 1996, he joined a staff that included the late Bill Musselman, Eric's father and a former NBA head coach who was, at the time, an assistant.
"When I got the job in Portland … the first congratulations card came from (Eric Musselman)," Turner said.
Turner -- who also coached against Eric Musselman in the CBA -- said his conversation ended with the situation left "open."
"He's trying to pull together the right mix of people," Turner said. "We'll see what happens."
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Friday, June 09, 2006
[Music] FOUR TET gig, The Wall, June 8th, 2006
sitting on an old sofa outside the discotheque. Without
his afro, you would just recognize him as another pale
sorry "literary youth" among others lazily sitting on
the couch and playing with their NB.
I bought his new CD, then asked for the autograph. Kieran
is still very much like the guy I saw him 2 years ago,
with big smile, big hands, and weird but dedicated bow,
which was probably learned from asians.
2 years ago, this Kieran guy came with a storm. He had
an autograph party in FNAC, a DJ show in THE WALL with
almost all of the famous electronic bands/DJs warming
up for him. It was a BIG party for Taiwanese altenative/electronic
music scene with lots of sparkles (of course, this meant
both positive and negative). Finally, he had a chill-out
party in another lounge club, playing and mixing all kinds
of funky wacky records for about 2 hours. Gladly, I didn't
miss any of the 3 events.
This time? I walked down to the basement in about 9 and it's
half empty. Eventually, guys gradually filled up the booth, although
I see more than half of them are there to show off,
chat with friends, or to get drunk and make themselves
looked bad.
The warm up band (VARO?) did not have the imagination nor
the virtuosity to manipulate between guitars and electronic
music, and Four Tet did not off to a promising start like
he did 2 years either. The mixing of "A Joy", 1st track
in his latest full album "Everything Ecstatic", is sold
but somewhat predictable.
This could one of the biggest dilemmas (if there is ever
one to him!) I thought Four Tet is having is his music-making
process right now: how to achieve the balance between his
"bedroom IDM" works (clean, crisp, cool, highly controlled),
and "improvised beats" (white-hot, free-flow, danceable,
high energy). "Everything Ecstatic", in my perspective,
is a work in the half-between. The oldies who have followed
his path and listened to both his albums and gigs will be
delighted for his new ideas and ongoing turnaround to improvise
Jazz/breakbeats/dance beat/underground hip hop/noise side;
however, for some critics and newbies, the change of Four
Tet has made him lost some of the previous cute, quiet, poetic,
selfloving "folktronica" style in him. Even I can tell some
of the struggles Kieran was having during the making of
"Everything Ecstatic", as most works were made under
implusiveness during his world tour, and lacked the
exquisite status he had in "Dialogue", "Pause"
and especially, "Rounds".
However, it seems like for Kieran, the ongoing change is
inevitable, even after he kind of acclaimed "the leader
of folktronica" status after the publication of "Rounds"
in 2003. I think, after the initial success he is having,
now Kieran is really tracing back to his music roots (Jazz &
Hip Hop)and expressing his true personality - wit, simple,
creative and fun-loving - through his somewhat wacky music,
manufactured by so-called high tech laptops(*) now.
Kieran's latest work, a project cooperated with drummer Steve Reid,
is an interesting (but sometimes messy, since it is recorded
during live and had no edits or overdubs) music journey
with 2 guys taking/giving with each other.
As the gig went on, the music gets much more interesting,
and the crowd were more involved. The basic intention for
Four Tet this time is about the same: Mixing and editing
different noises, beats and twists to existing tracks,
and make it sounds like a new one while make your feet
move automatically. But this time, Kieran is back with
more new ideas and quirky samples (like clock beats, cars
squeezing, etc.), utilized them both as background
noise effects or base beats to fulfiil the inner structure.
This time, there actually were less crazy "blow your TB-303
out!", top to the sky foghorn than last time, rather,
a more experienced and confident Kieran played the beats
impressively, transforming the music and atmosphere more
smoothly than last time, and there even had sections when
he was going at Jungle, Pop dance (robotic dance), or disco beats.
Not surprisingly, everytime when Kieran went to the old
tracks in "Pause" and "Rounds", the crowd responded ardently.
The encore tune is in quality also but not that surprising.
Overall, Kieran gave me a more satisfied music journey
under about the same concepts. I think he is one of few
in the electronic music scene right now that has "it":
Able to catch the inner vibe, express with poetic,
beautiful melody, and combine with numerous different
beats and tones, to form a organic and vigorous entity.
The future is limitless for him.
After the show is over, once again, he stayed on the couch
outside the discotheque for autograph and pictures. I gave
my compliments to him again, but also said that I was hoping
to hear the "Sleep Eat Food Have Vision" track in "Everything
Ecstatic". Kieran was still with his warm, polite demeanor,
gave me the weird but dedicated bow, and said: "Sorry."
Fantastic experience.
BTW, to someone who couldn't make it at last:
One of the bartenders in THE WALL is cute, really cute.
Cute like a sheep, actually.
Too bad you couldn't be here to witness it. (XD)
(*) "A nerdy technology magazine came to interview me and they
said, 'OK, let's photograph the studio now,'" says Hebden as he
sits down by his computer. "They were a bit disappointed when I
told them that this was it. I'm not interested in technology
itself - everything I use is completely out of date, as that
way, I feel completely in control of it - but I am interested
in making music that could not have been made at any time but now."
- Kieran Hebden, aka Four Tet, spoke in an interview
given to the Guardian, published on December 12, 2003.
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Wednesday, June 07, 2006
[Kings] Reggie Theus was on Kings' Short List

From AP :
New Mexico State coach Reggie Theus agreed to an interview when the NBA's Sacramento Kings were looking for a new head coach last week, but the job was filled before the sides could meet.
Theus, who just completed his first season as coach of the Aggies, told the Albuquerque Journal he spoke with Kings general manager Geoff Petrie by telephone one day before leaving the country for a week.
"I was honored they contacted me about the job," Theus said. "Geoff Petrie called to set up an interview. Obviously, when the NBA calls you've got to listen."
Kings co-owner Gavin Maloof, an Albuquerque native, said Theus was deemed a "very, very serious candidate. He was on our short list. But when he was out of the country, we had to move and Eric really wowed us."
New Mexico State was 16-14 last season, including a 10-6 record in the Western Athletic Conference, and average home attendance increased by 36 percent. The Aggies were 6-24 the season before Theus arrived.
The university recently restructured Theus' contract, boosting his annual salary from $185,000 to $275,000 with a 5-year contract. Under a buyout clause, Theus would have to repay $550,000 if he left NMSU for another position within the next two years.
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Saturday, June 03, 2006
[Kings] Eric Musselman, the Next Kings Head Coach

What an encouraging news.
[12:57 pm] Update from Greg Beacham's AP Report:
"I know we're going to be the best-prepared team in the league now," Joe Maloof told The Associated Press in a phone interview Friday night. "We just like him a lot. We're really comfortable with the guy. Our whole family feels that way."
Musselman, who wowed the Maloofs by writing a 100-page scouting report on the Kings for his second interview Thursday night, didn't immediately return a phone call seeking comment.
The Maloofs also interviewed Golden State assistant Mario Elie and Sacramento Monarchs coach John Whisenant for the job, but Musselman won over the entire clan -- including Colleen Maloof, mother of the four sons who preside over the family's extensive business empire -- and president of basketball operations Geoff Petrie.
Musselman showed up to his interview with the Maloofs carrying a lengthy report on his opinions of the Kings' season, as well as his plans for their future.
"We saw that, and we thought it was great," Joe Maloof said.
Musselman also is known for wowing potential employers in interviews. Former Golden State general manager Garry St. Jean reportedly hired Musselman for the club's top job after first interviewing Musselman only as a possible assistant. Edited by: pistonJW
From AP:
The Kings scheduled a news conference Saturday to announce Musselman's hiring, spokesman Troy Hanson said late Friday. The team still was working on contract details.
Musselman and Joe Maloof didn't immediately return phone calls seeking comment.
The 41-year-old Musselman is the 20th head coach in the history of a franchise that began life as the Rochester Royals in 1948....
Sacramento also interviewed Golden State assistant Mario Elie and Sacramento Monarchs head coach John Whisenant for the job, but Musselman won over the entire Maloof clan -- including Colleen Maloof, mother of the four sons who preside over the family's extensive business empire -- and president of basketball operations Geoff Petrie.
Musselman, a former University of San Diego point guard, has been a coaching prodigy since getting his first head job in the Continental Basketball Association at just 23. After compiling the second-highest winning percentage in CBA history behind George Karl, Musselman was an NBA assistant in Minnesota, Orlando and Atlanta.
In 2002, he was hired to coach moribund Golden State, where he went 75-89 despite two largely unimpressive rosters. He was the runner-up for the NBA's coach of the year award in 2003, won by San Antonio's Gregg Popovich.
Though his teams were more competitive than any Warriors clubs in the previous half-decade, he was fired when he clashed with players and incoming boss Chris Mullin. Many Warriors didn't appreciate a sometimes autocratic management style compared by many to his hard-nosed father, the late former Cleveland and Minnesota head coach Bill Musselman.
But when the Maloofs went looking for a charismatic, defense-oriented coach who will apply more discipline than Adelman, Eric Musselman fit the bill.
Musselman also is known for wowing potential employers in interviews. Former Golden State general manager Garry St. Jean reportedly hired Musselman for the club's top job after first interviewing Musselman only as a possible assistant.
From Sacbee:
On their Web site, the Kings said they'll officially announce their seletion for head coach Saturday at approximately 1 p.m. Afterward, the new coach will greet fans at a "Meet the Coach" event at the Arden Fair mall (the center court in front of Nordstrom) at 3:30 p.m. Team owners Joe and Gavin Maloof and president Geoff Petrie also will be in attendance.
Musselman has sought a head coaching position in the NBA twice before. He interviewed for the top coaching jobs in Orlando and Minnesota last offseason before losing out to Brian Hill and Dwayne Casey, respectively.
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Friday, June 02, 2006
[Kings] Bobby Jackson: I won't be back in Memphis
Bobby Jackson was a guest today with Grant Napear. Below are some highlights:
Jackson was not happy with the minutes he got while playing for Memphis. He said he wasn't used correctly.
Jackson on his free agent status: "Yeah, I won't be back there (Memphis)."
"He (Coach Mike Fratello) didn't like the way I played and I didn't like the way he coached."
Jackson on being coached and his experience at Memphis: "I can understand what Bonzi went through. I thought it was Bonzi when I first got there."
"You can't play your game when you have to look over your shoulder every time. I just kept my mouth shut and played hard."
On Musselman and his endorsement: "I think he's a good coach. We didn't really get to talk much. He's a good qualified coach. He has an up temp style of play, an up and down pace." Also felt Musselman was held back by Fratello.
He will be at the Monarchs game coming up for breast cancer awareness.
His basketball camp will be June 19-23
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Thursday, June 01, 2006
[Kings] Finally, A Ray of Hope
And local radio are reporting that, Geoff Petrie (who else?) has done huge in the suddenly slowing down of Kings' head coach searching process. It probably won't decide until next week at the earlist, as Petrie will be out of town this weekend to scout the draftees.
Also from local radio, Musselman was the most impressive applicant among the 3 coaches in the 1st rd of interview.
Some guest on KHTK (I think it was Sam Amick?) said that
Musselman has given the best interview so far, had a very
well prepared presentation, used powerpoint, etc.
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