Friday, September 30, 2005
[Kings] 2005-06 Season Alternate Jersey

From the video game "NBA Live 2006". (You can check the rest of those "New" designed jerseys for next season here)
I don't know what to say about this thing.
Only thing I know is that I may puke next time when I see them in real person.
There is ZERO possibility that I will spend any pennys on those purple-&-gold ugly stuff.
In short, they SUCK BIG TIME.
Another failed experiment from the Maloofs Entertainment.
I am very sorry, but the designer of this thing should lose his job immediately.
What a disgrace to this team and its fans.
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
[NBA] TSN 2005-06 Pro Basketball Preview
就像候鳥一般,每年的這個時間,各家的 NBA 開季分析就會出現在某些書店的架上。
購買 TSN 的開季分析,對我而言已經成為一種類似儀式的行為。
今年國王隊分析由之前一貫的 Marty McNeal 改為 Joe Davidson 執筆。(這也可能反應出了 Sacbee 體育版人事異動的狀況)這篇分析具體的點出了沙加緬度這座只擁有一支職業球隊(如果把女王隊算做 Maloofs Entertainment 的一部份)目前暗雲籠罩的氛圍,但它對於球隊目前戰力的具體情況並沒有太多的著墨,整體上來看是比之前 McNeal 寫的稍微遜色。

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購買 TSN 的開季分析,對我而言已經成為一種類似儀式的行為。
今年國王隊分析由之前一貫的 Marty McNeal 改為 Joe Davidson 執筆。(這也可能反應出了 Sacbee 體育版人事異動的狀況)這篇分析具體的點出了沙加緬度這座只擁有一支職業球隊(如果把女王隊算做 Maloofs Entertainment 的一部份)目前暗雲籠罩的氛圍,但它對於球隊目前戰力的具體情況並沒有太多的著墨,整體上來看是比之前 McNeal 寫的稍微遜色。

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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Finally, something to hang on the rafter of Arco Arena.
Enjoy it, ladies, YOU DESERVED IT!

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Enjoy it, ladies, YOU DESERVED IT!

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Tuesday, September 06, 2005
[Jersey] Your Daily eBay Smash Hits
They said one picture is better than thousand words.

And be sure to write something cheerful to this cute seller (who is a POWER SELLER and owned more than 28,000 positive feedbacks on eBay), if you are entertained by this.
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And be sure to write something cheerful to this cute seller (who is a POWER SELLER and owned more than 28,000 positive feedbacks on eBay), if you are entertained by this.
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