Thursday, July 28, 2005
[Basketball] Aoshen in Sacramento
今天的 Sacbee 報導了北京奧神隊在沙加緬度(Sacramento)接受國王球員和教練團指導練習的情況。

已經宣佈將放棄參加 2005/06 賽季大陸 CBA 聯賽的奧神隊,在七月份來美國參加一系列的夏季聯盟比賽和練習。前來沙加緬度之前,他們已經在 Las Vegas 參加了 Global Hoops Summit夏季聯盟的比賽,交戰對手包括了奈及利亞國家隊等隊伍;而在沙加緬度停留之後還會轉往洛杉磯。在國王駐泛亞太圈球探買利嘉(Jack Mai)的居中介紹之下,在沙加緬度停留期間,全隊除了參加國家隊集訓沒有前來美國的孫悅之外,所有球員都接受了包括 Vlade Divac 和 Peja Stojakovic 的示範教學,以及球隊前體能訓練師 Al Biancani 的體能訓練。
從文章當中看起來,Biancani 的體能訓練應該是奧神全隊上下印象最深刻的部份。
而在本週五在沙加緬度職業發展聯盟(Sacramento Professional Development League)的友誼賽當中,「前」國王控衛 Bobby Jackson 更將上場充當奧神隊的控球。

已經宣佈將放棄參加 2005/06 賽季大陸 CBA 聯賽的奧神隊,在七月份來美國參加一系列的夏季聯盟比賽和練習。前來沙加緬度之前,他們已經在 Las Vegas 參加了 Global Hoops Summit夏季聯盟的比賽,交戰對手包括了奈及利亞國家隊等隊伍;而在沙加緬度停留之後還會轉往洛杉磯。在國王駐泛亞太圈球探買利嘉(Jack Mai)的居中介紹之下,在沙加緬度停留期間,全隊除了參加國家隊集訓沒有前來美國的孫悅之外,所有球員都接受了包括 Vlade Divac 和 Peja Stojakovic 的示範教學,以及球隊前體能訓練師 Al Biancani 的體能訓練。
從文章當中看起來,Biancani 的體能訓練應該是奧神全隊上下印象最深刻的部份。
"Our bodies have never felt like this before, never," Lai bei Huang, a 6-8 swingman, said through Mai, their translator. "It's a different kind of soreness."
Said Biancani: "What a great group of guys. I wish I had them for eight weeks or eight months. We're trying to show them how to prepare their bodies for competition. They haven't lifted weights before, and they've never seen some of the other things we do to improve as an athlete, but in time, they'll learn how to do all of this."
Aoshen management has videotaped every moment of a workout with the idea of studying it and fleshing out a master workout plan. Players such as 6-8 captain Xin Jin said they can only imagine how much better they will be in several months and years with a new workout plan.
Said Aoshen general manager Da Zang: "The United States is the ideal country to learn from. Back home, basketball doesn't come with a definitive system. I'm very pleased with what I see."<
He's pleased to the point of a possible return next season. Aoshen may take Biancani along to Los Angeles next week.
而在本週五在沙加緬度職業發展聯盟(Sacramento Professional Development League)的友誼賽當中,「前」國王控衛 Bobby Jackson 更將上場充當奧神隊的控球。
"Man, they've got some tall guys who can shoot," Jackson marveled Wednesday. "I hope they're ready to run some more."